public static async Task<bool> Scan_Json(string sURL)
//--------< Scrape_List() >--------
app.URL = sURL;
//Uri baseUrl = new Uri(sURL);
if (app.Check_Stop == true) return false;
string sPage = sURL; //baseUrl.Query;
clsSys.fx_Log("--< List: " + sPage + " >--");
//< download >
string sDownload_as_String = await clsWebReader.Web_Get_Download_as_String(sURL);
if (sDownload_as_String == null) return false;
//</ download >
//------< Get Values as Json-Array >------
//< convert to array >
JsonObject jsonDownload = JsonObject.Parse(sDownload_as_String);
JsonValue jsonResponse = jsonDownload["response"] as JsonValue;
JsonArray jsonResonseArray = jsonResponse.GetArray();
//</ convert to array >
//----< @Loop: Json-Rows >----
foreach (var jsonRow in jsonResonseArray)
//----< Json_Row >----
JsonObject jsonObject = jsonRow.GetObject();
//< values >
string sID = jsonObject["id"].GetString();
string sTitle = jsonObject["name"].GetString();
//</ values >
string sURL_Detail = app_settings.scan_List_Json_URL_Base + sID;
//< correct >
//sTitle = clsText.Encode(sTitle);
//</ correct >
//< add/update URL >
clsDB.Add_or_Update_Record_from_List(sURL_Detail, sTitle);
//</ add/update URL >
//< print >
//</ print >
//----</ Json_Row >----
//----</ @Loop: Json-Rows >----
//------</ Get Values as Json-Array >------
catch (Exception ex)
clsSys.fx_Log("--</ List: " + sPage + " >--");
//< out >
return true;
//</ out >
//--------</ Scrape_List() >--------