

Dieses Codebeispiel enthält den Code zum erstellen einer eigenständigen ActiveX Komponente und zeigt weiter unten die Einbettung in Microsof MS Access.

Vb.net, 4.6


Ein ActiveX COM Control, welches einen MailClient für Office und andere Anwendungen bietet.

Das COM Control ist in Vb.net im Framework 4.6 geschrieben und hat somit vollen Zugriff auf die .Net Framework Welt.



Vb.net Code

Imports System.Net.Mail

Imports System.Net.Mime

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


<ComClass(axEmail_Send.ClassId, axEmail_Send.InterfaceId, axEmail_Send.EventsId)>


Public Class axEmail_Send

    '-------------------------------< Class: Email_Sender >-------------------

    '--< IDs GUID >--

    Public Const ClassId As String = "11111111 yourGuid"

    Public Const InterfaceId As String = "222222 yourGuid "

    Public Const EventsId As String = "3333333 yourGuid "

    '--</ IDs GUID >--


    Public Status_Text As String = ""



    '--------------< Class: Init >--------------

    Public Sub New()


    End Sub

    '--------------</ Class: Init >--------------


#Region "Functions"

    '-------------------------< Region: Functions >------------------

    Public Function Send_Email(ByVal TO_Email_Address As String, ByVal CC_Email_Address As String, ByVal FROM_Email_Address As String, ByVal REPLYTOLIST_Email_Address As String, ByVal Attach_File As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal SMTP_Server_Address As String, ByVal Port As String, ByVal EnableSSL As Boolean, ByVal Subject_Title As String, ByVal Text_Body As String, Optional ByVal Attachements_Path As String = "") As Boolean

        '-------------------------------< Send_Email() >-------------------------------

        '--< Variablen >--

        Dim Result_Send As Boolean = False

        '--</ Variablen >--


        '-< check >-

        If TO_Email_Address Like "" Then

            MsgBox("Email Adress TO is empty", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Send_Email")

            Return False

            Exit Function

        End If

        If FROM_Email_Address Like "" Then

            MsgBox("Email Adress FROM is empty", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Send_Email")

            Return False

            Exit Function

        End If

        '-</ check >-


        Dim arrEmpfaenger As Array

        arrEmpfaenger = Split(TO_Email_Address, ";", , CompareMethod.Binary)

        If arrEmpfaenger.Length > 1 Then

            TO_Email_Address = arrEmpfaenger(0)

        End If



        '----< Email >----


            '---< Mailobjekt erzeugen und senden >--

            Dim MailAdress_From As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(FROM_Email_Address)

            Dim MailAdress_To As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(TO_Email_Address)

            Dim email_Message As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(MailAdress_From, MailAdress_To)



            '--< add multi addresses >--

            '< TO >

            If arrEmpfaenger.Length > 1 Then

                For iAn As Integer = 1 To arrEmpfaenger.Length - 1



            End If

            '</ TO >

            '< CC >

            If Not CC_Email_Address Like "" Then

                Dim arrCC As Array

                arrCC = Split(CC_Email_Address, ";", , CompareMethod.Binary)

                For iCC As Integer = 0 To arrCC.Length - 1



            End If

            '</ CC >


            '< ReplyToList >

            '*ReplyTo is obsolete

            If Not REPLYTOLIST_Email_Address Like "" Then

                Dim arrReplyToList As Array

                arrReplyToList = Split(REPLYTOLIST_Email_Address, ";", , CompareMethod.Binary)

                For iReplyTo As Integer = 0 To arrReplyToList.Length - 1



            End If

            '</ ReplyToList >

            '--</ add multi addresses >--


            '--< Attach a File >--

            '*add a File to email

            '*Imports System.Net.Mail and System.Net.Mime

            If (Attach_File = "") Then

                Dim attachment As Attachment = New Attachment(Attach_File, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet)


            End If

            '--</ Attach a File >--


            email_Message.IsBodyHtml = True

            email_Message.Subject = Subject_Title

            email_Message.Body = Text_Body


            '----< Mailobject >----

            Dim email_SmtpClient As New SmtpClient(SMTP_Server_Address)  'System.Net.Mail.

            email_SmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = False  '*either windows login or user-password

            email_SmtpClient.EnableSsl = EnableSSL

            email_SmtpClient.Port = Port

            email_SmtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network    'System.Net.Mail.

            email_SmtpClient.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(FROM_Email_Address, Password)

            email_SmtpClient.Timeout = 20000

            '--< Try: Send Mail >--


                '< send >



                '</ send >


                'Status_Text = "status=OK /send to:" & TO_Email_Address & " subject:" & Subject_Title

                Result_Send = True

            Catch ex As Exception

                '-< Fehler >-

                Dim sError As String

                If ex.InnerException Is Nothing Then

                    sError = ex.Message


                    sError = ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.InnerException.Message

                End If


                '-</ Fehler >-

            End Try

            '--</ Try: Send Mail >--


            '---</ Mailobjekt erzeugen und senden >--

        Catch ex As Exception

            '-< Fehler >-

            Dim sError As String

            If ex.InnerException Is Nothing Then

                sError = ex.Message


                sError = ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.InnerException.Message

            End If


            '-</ Fehler >-

        End Try


        '----< Mailobject >----


        '< Abschluss >

        Return Result_Send

        '</ Abschluss >

        '----</ Email >----

        '-------------------------------< Send_Email() >-------------------------------

    End Function

    '-------------------------</ Region: Functions >------------------

#End Region




    '-------------------------------</ Class: Email_Sender >-------------------

End Class




Unter MS Access oder MS Excel kann man die Komponente im Hintergrund einbetten und als vba Code ansprechen.



Hierzu muss man aber unter der Visual Basic Code Umgebung mit Alt+F11 einen Verweis auf die Komponente einrichten



To use under the Office applications, you must first install the COM component as an admitrator by executing the file register_axEmail_Send.




In der register.bat Datei steht die Anweisung für regasm, welcher die COM ActiveX Komponente in die Windows 10 Registry einträgt und dabei auch noch die .tlb Schnittstellendatei erstellt.

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe "C:\_Daten\Desktop\Demo\Access\2017-11-22 AxEmail Send\axEmail_Send.dll" /tlb /codebase





Anbei das komplette Beispiel für eine Access Anwendung.

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit On


Private Sub btnSend_Click()

    '---------------< btnSend_Click() >----------------


    '---------------</ btnSend_Click() >----------------

End Sub



Private Sub fx_Email_Senden()

    '-------------< fx_Email_Senden() >-------------

    '--< Email einstellen >--

    Dim objEmail As axEmail_Send.axEmail_Send

    Set objEmail = New axEmail_Send.axEmail_Send


    Dim sAddress_TO As String, sAddress_CC As String, sSubject As String, sText As String

    Dim sAddress_REPLYTO As String, sAttach_File As String

    Dim sAddress_FROM As String, sPassword As String, SMTP_Address As String, sPort As String, Enable_SSL As Boolean

    sAddress_FROM = tbxEmail_From

    sPassword = tbxPassword

    SMTP_Address = tbxDomain


    sAddress_TO = tbxEmail_To

    sAddress_CC = tbxEmail_Cc

    sAddress_REPLYTO = tbxReplyTo

    sAttach_File = tbxAttach_File


    Enable_SSL = True

    sPort = tbxPort

    sSubject = tbx_Subject

    sText = tbxText


    '< SEND >

    '*send with axEmail_Send.dll Control

    objEmail.Send_Email sAddress_TO, sAddress_CC, sAddress_FROM, sAddress_REPLYTO, sAttach_File, sPassword, SMTP_Address, sPort, Enable_SSL, sSubject, sText

    '</ SEND >


    '--< Email einstellen >--


    '< Abschluss >

    Set objEmail = Nothing

    '</ Abschluss >


    MsgBox "fertig"

    '----</ mit Outlook senden >----

    '-------------</ fx_Email_Senden() >-------------

End Sub



Appendix: ActiveX Component and Example in Access Database



