import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './Article.css';
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
export class Article extends Component {
component: Article >--------
compontent >----
static displayName =;
baseURL = "/";
constructor(props) {
react: parameter >
react: parameter >
//--< react:
variables >--
this.state = {
idarticle: 0,
loading: true,
IDUser: "",
title: "",
TextContent: "",
HtmlContent: "",
Folder: "",
Keywords: "",
nImages: "",
nVideos: "",
nFiles: "",
DtCreated: "",
DtEdit: ""
//--< >--
componentDidMount() {
//--</ >--
compontent >----
functions >====
data from web api
async populateData(id) {
populateData() >--------
const response = await fetch('api/articles/' + id); //*get web_data from web api as json-string
const data = await response.json(); //*convert json to data
+ this.state);
this.setState(state => ({
idarticle :data.idArticle,
iduser :data.idUser,
title :data.title,
textcontent :data.textContent,
htmlcontent :data.htmlContent,
folder :data.folder,
keywords :data.keywords,
nimages :data.nImages,
nvideos :data.nVideos,
nfiles :data.nFiles,
dtcreated :data.dtCreated,
dtedit :data.dtEdit,
loading: false
})); //*refresh
state of arcticles
populateData() >--------
functions >====
HTML >====
render >----
render() {
render(HTML) >--------
return (
//----< return >----
<div className="submit-form">
this.state.loading ?
//--< IsLoading >--
//--</ IsLoading >--
//--< IsLoaded >--
<a href={this.baseURL + "?f=" + encodeURI(this.state.folder)}>{this.state.folder}</a>
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: this.state.htmlcontent }} />
//--</ IsLoaded >--
//----</ return >----
render(HTML) >--------
render >----
HTML >====
component: Articles >--------