
ASP.Net MVC: Data


Asp.net Core 2 MVC


If you want to predefine tables in Asp.net core 2 MVC with values during the development time, then you can fill them out using the migration.

In the example, the selection table product groups with the selection values cordless screwdrivers and drills is to be filled in advance.

Thus, in the rollout of the project, these fixed tables are always the same.


To populate the Migration Manager, enter in the Package Manager Console:


PM> add-migration tblProduktgruppen_fuellen


This will create a file in / migrations which will be an empty (..) Down (..) Contains construct


In this migration file you can now in the Up (..) Method write a SQL-Transact command.


migrationBuilder.Sql("INSERT INTO Produktgruppen (Produktgruppe) VALUES('Akku-Schrauber')");

migrationBuilder.Sql("INSERT INTO Produktgruppen (Produktgruppe) VALUES('Bohrmaschinen')");




using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;





namespace ArtikelWeb.Migrations


    public partial class tblProduktgruppen_fuellen : Migration


        protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)


            migrationBuilder.Sql("INSERT INTO Produktgruppen (Produktgruppe) VALUES('Akku-Schrauber')");

            migrationBuilder.Sql("INSERT INTO Produktgruppen (Produktgruppe) VALUES('Bohrmaschinen')");



        protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)







To transfer to the SQL Server database then use the Migration Update Database command:

PM> update-database


After that, the data is in the SQL Server database



