Inconsistent accessibility: return type xxx is less accessible than method 'ArticlesController.Save_Article(ArticlesController.EditItem_OutputModel)'



In C# Asp.Net Core .Net 4 6 7 8




Inconsistent accessibility: return type 'Task<ActionResult<ArticlesController.EditItem_OutputModel>>' is less accessible than method 'ArticlesController.Save_Article(ArticlesController.EditItem_OutputModel)'



Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type 'ArticlesController.EditItem_OutputModel' is less accessible than method 'ArticlesController.Save_Article(ArticlesController.EditItem_OutputModel)'



Beim Verwenden einer Methode / Function wird eine Object / Klasse eingebettet, welche privat und nicht public deklariert ist



Die class mit public class benennen


public class EditItem_OutputModel


            public string guidarticle { get; set; } = string.Empty;

            public string title { get; set; } = string.Empty;






        //*response with editmodel, to confirm new guid on new


        public async Task<ActionResult<EditItem_OutputModel>> Save_Article(EditItem_OutputModel article)



            if (article == null) return BadRequest("Article to save is empty");


            //*get matching Article from Database by ID

            ArticleDbModel? dbArticle;



                dbArticle = await _dbContext.tbl_Articles.FindAsync(article.guidarticle);





Inconsistent accessibility: return type xxx is less accessible than method yyy  CS0050



public class EditItem_OutputModel


            public string guidarticle { get; set; } = string.Empty;

            public string title { get; set; } = string.Empty;

            public string html { get; set; } = string.Empty;

            public string folder { get; set; } = string.Empty;

            public string keywords { get; set; } = string.Empty;

            public DateTime dateedit { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;

            public bool isowner { get; set; } = false;




        //*response with editmodel, to confirm new guid on new


        public async Task<ActionResult<EditItem_OutputModel>> Save_Article(EditItem_OutputModel article)



            if (article == null) return BadRequest("Article to save is empty");


            //*get matching Article from Database by ID

            ArticleDbModel? dbArticle;



                dbArticle = await _dbContext.tbl_Articles.FindAsync(article.guidarticle);


            catch (Exception e)


                return BadRequest("Database error:" + e.Message);





            if (dbArticle == null) return BadRequest("Article not found");


            //< init.correction >

            string title=article.title;

            string keywords=article.keywords;

            string folder=article.folder;

            string html=article.html;

            //</ init.correction >



            dbArticle.Title = title;


            dbArticle.Keywords = keywords;



            dbArticle.DateEdit = DateTime.Now;


            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();




            //< Prepare Output >

            EditItem_OutputModel outEditItem = new EditItem_OutputModel();

            outEditItem.guidarticle = dbArticle.GuidArticle;

            outEditItem.title = dbArticle.Title ?? "";

            outEditItem.html = dbArticle.Html ?? "";

            outEditItem.folder = dbArticle.Folder ?? "";

            outEditItem.keywords = dbArticle.Keywords ?? "";

            outEditItem.dateedit = dbArticle.DateEdit;

            outEditItem.isowner = false; //init

            //</ Prepare Output >


            //< check_owner >

            //get client User to check if is owner

            var userGUID = HttpContext.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);

            if (userGUID == dbArticle.GuidUser)


                outEditItem.isowner = true;


            //</ check_owner >


            return Ok(outEditItem);  //with status           




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