
Failure sending mail.

Unable to read data from the transport connection




Bei SMTP Server von 1und1 mit dem Port 465 und SSL


SMTP Fehler: Unable to read data from the transport connection




Der Port muss umgestellt werden auf Port 587 bei mit EnableSSL=true

Und beim Senden muss die DelivieryMethod auf Network gestellt werden.

            '----< Mailobject >----

            Dim email_SmtpClient As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(sSMTP)

            email_SmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = False  '*either windows login or user-password

            email_SmtpClient.EnableSsl = cbxSSL.Checked

            email_SmtpClient.Port = tbxPort.Text

            email_SmtpClient.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network

            email_SmtpClient.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(FROM_Email_Address, Password)

            email_SmtpClient.Timeout = 20000

            '--< Try: Send Mail >--


                '< send >



                '</ send >



SMTP Fehler: Unable to read data from the transport connection



SMTP Client Code in Net 4.7 Framework Visual Basic

Public Class Form1



#Region "Buttons"

    '-------------------------< Region: Buttons >------------------

    Private Sub btnSend_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSend.Click


        Dim IsSend As Boolean

        IsSend = Send_Email(tbxTo.Text, "", tbxFrom.Text, tbxPassword.Text, tbxDomain.Text, tbxSubject.Text, tbxText.Text)

        MsgBox("Email Status send is: " & IsSend)

    End Sub

    '-------------------------</ Region: Buttons >------------------

#End Region



#Region "Functions"

    '-------------------------< Region: Functions >------------------

    Public Function Send_Email(ByVal TO_Email_Address As String, ByVal CC_Email_Address As String, ByVal FROM_Email_Address As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal sSMTP As String, ByVal Subject_Title As String, ByVal Text_Body As String, Optional ByVal Attachements_Path As String = "") As Boolean

        '-------------------------------< Send_Email() >-------------------------------

        '--< Variablen >--

        Dim Result_Send As Boolean = False

        '--</ Variablen >--


        '-< check >-

        If TO_Email_Address Like "" Then

            MsgBox("Email Adress TO is empty", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Send_Email")

            Return False

            Exit Function

        End If

        If FROM_Email_Address Like "" Then

            MsgBox("Email Adress FROM is empty", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Send_Email")

            Return False

            Exit Function

        End If

        '-</ check >-


        Dim arrEmpfaenger As Array

        arrEmpfaenger = Split(TO_Email_Address, ";", , CompareMethod.Binary)

        If arrEmpfaenger.Length > 1 Then

            TO_Email_Address = arrEmpfaenger(0)

        End If



        '----< Email >----


            '---< Mailobjekt erzeugen und senden >--

            Dim MailAdress_From As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(FROM_Email_Address)

            Dim MailAdress_To As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(TO_Email_Address)

            Dim email_Message As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(MailAdress_From, MailAdress_To)



            '--< add multi addresses >--

            '< TO >

            If arrEmpfaenger.Length > 1 Then

                For iAn As Integer = 1 To arrEmpfaenger.Length - 1



            End If

            '</ TO >

            '< CC >

            If Not CC_Email_Address Like "" Then

                Dim arrCC As Array

                arrCC = Split(CC_Email_Address, ";", , CompareMethod.Binary)

                For iCC As Integer = 0 To arrCC.Length - 1



            End If

            '</ CC >

            '--</ add multi addresses >--



            email_Message.IsBodyHtml = True

            email_Message.Subject = Subject_Title

            email_Message.Body = Text_Body


            '----< Mailobject >----

            Dim email_SmtpClient As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(sSMTP)

            email_SmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = False  '*either windows login or user-password

            email_SmtpClient.EnableSsl = cbxSSL.Checked

            email_SmtpClient.Port = tbxPort.Text

            email_SmtpClient.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network

            email_SmtpClient.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(FROM_Email_Address, Password)

            email_SmtpClient.Timeout = 20000

            '--< Try: Send Mail >--


                '< send >



                '</ send >


                'Status_Text = "status=OK /send to:" & TO_Email_Address & " subject:" & Subject_Title

                Result_Send = True

            Catch ex As Exception

                '-< Fehler >-

                Dim sError As String

                If ex.InnerException Is Nothing Then

                    sError = ex.Message


                    sError = ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.InnerException.Message

                End If


                '-</ Fehler >-

            End Try

            '--</ Try: Send Mail >--


            '---</ Mailobjekt erzeugen und senden >--

        Catch ex As Exception

            '-< Fehler >-

            Dim sError As String

            If ex.InnerException Is Nothing Then

                sError = ex.Message


                sError = ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.InnerException.Message

            End If


            '-</ Fehler >-

        End Try


        '----< Mailobject >----


        '< Abschluss >

        Return Result_Send

        '</ Abschluss >

        '----</ Email >----

        '-------------------------------< Send_Email() >-------------------------------

    End Function


    '-------------------------</ Region: Functions >------------------

#End Region


End Class



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